Implementation of Process Mining for analysis and optimization of the Tele2 mobile communication provider’s payment process

Tele2 operates in 67 Russian regions and serves over 42 mln customers. The company’s main task is to provide the simplest and most convenient service to its customers and establish transparent and efficient processes within the company. However, the conventional analysis of processes fails to provide the required results at large companies. In 2018 Ramax International, part of RAMAX Group, completed implementation of the Celonis Process Mining technology for the analysis and optimization of the payment process for the mobile communication provider.
To obtain an objective picture of the payment process at Tele2.
To enhance the operational efficiency of the payment process.
To maintain continuous analysis and monitoring of the payment process.
As part of the project, a data model has been created and the actual process flow with all scenarios, vulnerabilities, and process improvement areas was reconstructed.
Audit was used to determine non-ideal scenarios of the fulfillment of the process.
More than 1 mln payments uploaded from SAP ERP, the customer’s information system, were analyzed.
Cases of editing and rolling back of payments were found.
A rating of the internal efficiency with a breakdown by payment types and the company’s structural units was developed.
Celonis Process Mining makes it possible not to check a process in a random way but perform a comprehensive analysis of all available data and process steps owing to which unnecessary stages, repeated steps, and delays in performing a specific task can be eliminated.
- The number of rejected payments was reduced by 90%.
- The workload of the treasury staff was reduced.
- The number of payment scenarios was optimized.
- The quality of generation of payment items was enhanced.
- The number of cases where documents are edited was reduced.
“Each of the company’s business processes has its own procedure, structure, and deadline; it also assumes well-established cooperation with both business partners and internal customers. The primary goal of our participation in this project was to understand how our payment process actually performs and determine how its operation efficiency could be enhanced. The Process Mining by Celonis technology enabled us to obtain in real time the really objective image of the payment process, analyze large amounts of data, make required corrective measures, and monitor their implementation.”
Natalya Zhivago
Head of Tele2 treasury
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