Implementing an Automated System for Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

As part of the project, at the initial stage JSC RAMAX International drafted the documents that describe the data migration strategy and the AMOS integration concept. Next, these were used as the basis for developing a project solution and the technical specifications that describe in detail the integration under development.
The project was implemented in close cooperation with both the customer and the manufacturer of the AMOS information system.
- to implement a state-of-the-art automated system for aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) that supports MRO processes at PJSC Aeroflot and enables the integration of all stages of those business processes into a unified system;
- to provide a specialized system that maintains MRO processes for civil aviation and to use the terminology and ideology commonly used for MRO processes. The main functionality is to include a set of tools that provide state-of-the art information support for those processes with the AC fleet operated by PJSC Aeroflot.
- to maintain the option of system scalability in line with the continuously growing AC fleet and integration with the IT systems operated by PJSC Aeroflot, including Sabre/SAP ERP/Nadezhnost.
- At the initial stage, documents were drafted that describe data migration and the AMOS integration concept.
- They were used as the basis for developing a project solution and the technical specifications that describe in detail the integration under development.
- Data were migrated on an iterative basis; quantitative and qualitative indicators were set for the data being uploaded.
- At the concluding stages of the project, acceptance testing of integration was conducted, as well as a number of data migration iterations.
- Scenarios for business testing, different versions of the scenarios, and end-to-end scenario chains were developed, and these comprised the first version of the detailed blueprint.
- Manuals for end users were developed; the AMOS functionality was tested, and key and end users were trained.
- RAMAX International conducted several sequential go-live rehearsals and provided support for acceptance testing and system go-live.
- The costs of AC maintenance were reduced owing to a number of improvements:
- Labor efficiency was boosted (and the additional resources required for MRO, which are needed given the growth of passenger uplift volume as stated in Aeroflot’s growth strategy and considering its fleet expansion, were optimized). As a result of AMOS implementation, the efficiency of MRO specialists increased by 4%.
- The main advantage is that warehouse stocks were reduced and the processes of MRO planning and logistic support have been optimized. The company’s own analysis showed that the efficiency of planning and accounting for assets increased by 3-4%, which is equivalent to 130-175 mln rubles, owing to the more efficient planning and accounting of assets, integration of AMOS with production systems and SAP, and the high quality of data in the systems that was ensured in the process of migration.
- The aircraft documentation was loaded into the system, and, as a result, the labor input required for running the system was reduced and the task cards for AC maintenance are now produced automatically.
- Warehouse management and procurement processes have been optimized. In the process of migration, errors in reference tables and master data have been identified and fixed. Reliability and quality of data have been significantly enhanced. Quality and speed of generating accounting documents, including financial and managerial reports and reports to aviation authorities, have been improved.
- The fault tolerance of the system has been improved considerably owing to a conceptually new landscape and arrangement of a reliable data backup system.
This project provides us with a handy real-life picture of the airworthiness, technical maintenance, and repair status of Aeroflot’s aircraft. The AMOS system gives us a global view of all MRO processes in a unified integrated system: from planning of purchases to planning and execution of repair operations, as well as online integration with the Boeing and Airbus systems. All this has allowed Aeroflot to reduce labor costs and boost the quality of MRO processes. Our next goal is to reduce the aircrafts’ ground time by switching to proactive technical maintenance. We plan to start implementing this goal as early as next year.