Process Mining technology for enhancing the efficiency of equipment technical maintenance and repair

RAMAX Group experts implemented the Process Mining technology for enhancing the company-wide efficiency of equipment technical maintenance and repair at Nornickel.
To enhance the efficiency of technical maintenance and repair
To reduce equipment downtime
To reduce the costs of technical maintenance and repair
To optimize warehouse stocks
To ensure unconditional transparency of technical maintenance and repair
To develop a user-friendly tool for comprehensive process analytics
“RAMAX” group experts calculated KPI and developed a monitoring system in order to enhance the efficiency of each indicator by 30%.
The solution was deployed by integration with Nornickel’s heavily customized SAP platform.
Process Mining, the technology of automatic (complete) reconstruction of the model of business processes that originate from information systems, various ERP models, and entire information field where this process is automated, was used to identify the digital footprints of the processes and construct a comprehensive picture of the complex process. The end-to-end technical maintenance and repair process was fully reconstructed.
Moreover, a Process Mining center of competence was deployed on the customer’s side to help them train their own specialists in this technology. Taken together, these measures provided a significant financial effect of the project and its extension.
Weak points in the current technical maintenance and repair process were identified
Reasons for time and money losses were eliminated
Areas where technical maintenance and repair can be improved and efficiency enhanced were found
The manageability of technical maintenance and repair was improved
The execution of business processes was analyzed in online mode
The deviations of the current state from the target were identified
The reporting system was improved
The project yielded financial gains
Visible economic effects were obtained in a number of cost items. Even at the first stage, Celonis Process Mining identified a lot of redundant operations in one technical maintenance and repair process. Due to elimination of these operations, the customer immediately saved several million rubles. The expenses in the “Consumables” item also decreased by 10%.
The implementation of Celonis Process Mining will enable Nornickel to reduce the costs and time needed for technical maintenance and repair of equipment by 30-40%.
Andrey Skokov, director of industrial assets department, Nornickel
“The implementation of Celonis Process Mining will enable Nornickel to enhance the manageability of technical maintenance and repair. The system makes it possible to analyze the online execution of business processes, identify deviations of the current state from the target, and rapidly make decisions. These options are of especial importance for planning the repairs in all time ranges. High-quality planning would enable a reduction in surplus inventory. An additional effect of the project should be emphasized, namely, the quality of our reporting system improved. It is now more flexible and easily comprehensible by business customers.”
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